Thursday, August 3, 2023

Our next entrant in the Main Event Comedy Championship is.....PATRICK CLINE!

We requested a bio from Patrick, here's what we got....
"Over all I am an autistic wonder; A story teller with an offset sense of humor. Noob status, and growing. If I can’t get you there in five minutes, then you will be as disappointed as everyone else!"

Patrick is ready to make a name for himself in the comedy world by winning the competition on Saturday August 19th at Happy Hour Comedy Club!

Tickets will be available in advance!

For more information on tickets you can call (256) 343-3538 or go to!

August is full but to sign up for one of our competitions in September, October, or November, just email! It's free register and open to all levels of comedy experience!

Like our Facebook page, Subscribe to us on YouTube and TikTok @MainEventComedy, or just check out!


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